
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
161 Order Admin No.2503-E/PW/O/E-II/1R-01/22 Appointment of Shri Partha Chakraborty, to the post of LDC under PWD 24-06-2024
162 Order Admin No.64-PW/O/PE14-19/2024 Issuance of Annual Increment order of the Engineers under PWD who are on Deputation. 21-06-2024
163 Transfers/Promotions No-55 Deputation posting of Subrata Mondal, Architect at NKDA 19-06-2024
164 Transfers/Promotions No-56 Transfer of Architect under PW Dte. 19-06-2024
165 Corrigendum No.2434 -E Corrigendum of Notification No. 36 dt. 15.03.2024 18-06-2024
166 Notifications/Circulars No-54 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 18-06-2024
167 Transfers/Promotions NO-53 Posting on promotion from Junior Engineer (C) to Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 18-06-2024
168 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATIN 50 Posting on promotion from Superintending Engineer (C) to Chief Engineer (C) under PW Dte 12-06-2024
169 Transfers/Promotions NO:49 Transfer of Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 12-06-2024
170 Transfers/Promotions No.48-E Transfer of Executive Engineer (M) under PW (R) Dte 11-06-2024
171 Order Admin 2350-E/PWD-II053/1/2024-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD Tentative budget for Induction Training Programme for Junior Engineer (Electrical) 10-06-2024
172 Transfers/Promotions N-46 Posting on promotion from Junior Engineer (Mech) to Assistant Engineer (Mech) under PW (R) Dte. 10-06-2024
173 Order Admin No:2367-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-II) NOC of LDC, PW Dte. 07-06-2024
174 Order Admin No.2333(20)-E/PW/O/E-I/2M-56/2014 Service particulars of the Contractual Engineers presently working under the PW Dte., the PW (R) Dte and the Social Sector 07-06-2024
175 Order Admin 2296-E/E-I/2M-11/2021 Higher scale of Executive Engineer & Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 05-06-2024
176 Order Admin 2298-E/E-I/2M-26/2021 Higher scale of Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 05-06-2024
177 Order Admin No.2297-E/E-I/1P-05/2013 Higher scale of Executive Engineer(C) Under PW Dte. 05-06-2024
178 Order Admin No.2295-E/E-I/2M-26/2021(Pt.-I) Higher scale of Sanjoy Kr. Nandi, EE, PW dte. 05-06-2024
179 Notifications/Circulars 163-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 (30.05.2024) N.O.C. of 11 (Eleven) LDCs and 01 (one) UDC under P.W.(Roads) Dte. for appearing in various upcoming Govt. competitive examinations. 30-05-2024
180 Order Admin No.21-G/31-02/2023 I Card 17-05-2024