
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1621 Order Works PR/N/E/1B-01/2016-201-R/E Opening of Detailed head (78 - Outsourcing of Security, Cleaning and House Keeping Services) under the H/A 25-3054-80-001-NP-002- Public Works (Roads) Directorate-Regarding 27-01-2017
1622 Order Admin No.249-E Promotion of Gr.I typist to the Supervisory Grade typist under PW Dte. 25-01-2017
1623 Order Admin No. 219-E VEHICLES 20-01-2017
1624 Order Admin No.187-E Extension of service in r/o Subhajit Das, Contractual AE (EL), PW Dte 19-01-2017
1625 Order Admin No.182-E Corrigedum to amendments of recruitment rules 19-01-2017
1626 Order Admin No.183-E Vehicle 19-01-2017
1627 Order Admin No.08 Creation of one additional post of Executive Engineer and one additional post of Junior Engineer in Kolkata West Division under PW Dte. 18-01-2017
1628 Order Admin No.159-E Extension of period of deployment of 542 Computer Operators deployed by WTL. 17-01-2017
1629 Order Works 1M-61/2016/140-R/E Financial benefit for adhoc Group - D staff engaged after 01-04-2017 at different of PWD (R) Directorate etc. - clarification thereon. 16-01-2017
1630 Order Admin No.91-E Information sought for under RTI Act, 2005 by Sunil Gopalrao Mendhekar 06-01-2017
1631 Order Admin No.51-E Nomination of Sri Chinmoy Ghosh, Superintending Architect, PWD as Inspector, Council of Architecture, Govt. of WB 05-01-2017
1632 Order Admin No.4059-E Regarding matter of seeking information-Assembly Question no. 74 raised by Narmada Chandra Roy, Hon'ble MLA, WB 28-12-2016
1633 Order Admin No.4037-E Service confirmation order of Jr. Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 27-12-2016
1634 Order Works PR/N/E-1B-01/2016(Part-I)/2005(7)-R/E Preparation statement in support in support of claims against head of account 12 Medical Reimbursment under WBHS 08 against major head 3054 justification Regarding. 27-12-2016
1635 Order Admin No.4022-E Addendum to Notification No. 161 dt. 19.12.2016 26-12-2016
1636 Order Admin No.3093-E Submission of ACRs/APRs and report of submission of asset statement in respect of Jr. Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 22-12-2016
1637 Order Admin No.3089-E/E-I/2M-20/2016 Dakshin Dinajpur PMGSY P.W.Dte has been renamed as Northern Highway Planing Division-II under Northern Circle P.W.Dte and its head quarter has been shifted from Balurghat to Siliguri w.e.f 01.09.2016 22-12-2016
1638 Order Admin No.3066-E/E-I/2M-10/2009 Corrigendum to Order No. 2568-E dated 17.10.2016 regarding Subhankar Paul. 19-12-2016
1639 Order Works PR/N/E/1M-61/2016 (Part I)-1952-R/E Financial Benefits for Contractual Employees engaged Prior to 01.04.2010 at different office office of Public Works (Roads) Directorate Regarding 16-12-2016
1640 Order Works PR/N/E/1M-74/2015-1945-R/E Approval for engagement of Private Security Agency for guarding of Government Properties premises at Burdwan Highway Division No-I Public Works (ROads) Directorate Regarding 14-12-2016