
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1481 Order Admin No. 5003-E Change of surname in f/o Smt. Champa Ghosh, UDC 08-12-2017
1482 Order Admin No.3P-197/17(Pt)/ 1363-R/PL Habra-Ukhra road from 0.00 kmp to 11.33 kmp widening & strengthening work under Barasat Highway division No.II in the District of North 24 Parganas & Nadia 08-12-2017
1483 Order Admin No.5198-E Nomination of Delegates for International Seminar on Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Bridges & Structures on 15th and 16th December 2017 08-12-2017
1484 Order Admin No.5181-E Enhancement of rate in r/o 30 contractual AE (C) and 20 contractual AE (El), PWD 07-12-2017
1485 Order Admin No. 5171-E Departmental Type Test of LDCs. 07-12-2017
1486 Order Admin No.5182-E Enhancement of rate in r/o 59 contractual JE (El), PWD 07-12-2017
1487 Order Admin No.5140-E Nomination for National Workshop on NBS 2016 & recently revised seismic codes, at Sir RNM Hall, the Institute of Engineers India, 8, Gokhale Rd., Kolkata-700020 05-12-2017
1488 Order Admin No.5108-E Corrigendum of the Memo No. 5082 (16)-E dt. 29.11.2017 01-12-2017
1489 Order Admin No.5082-E APR for the period of 2016-17 in respect of the Junior Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 29-11-2017
1490 Order Admin No.5080-E Additional charge of Central Tender Unit. 29-11-2017
1491 Order Admin No.5060-E Release of AE (El) under PW Dte. 28-11-2017
1492 Order Admin No.5047-E Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Gr.C employees in terms of Rule 8 of the WBSR, 2013 Published vide Notification No. 1832-F (P) dt. 01.03.2013 and its subsequent amendments. 27-11-2017
1493 Order Admin No.5053-E Extension of service in r/o 26 JE (El), PW Dte. 27-11-2017
1494 Order Admin No. 5052-E Extension of service in r/o 03 JE (El), PW Dte. 27-11-2017
1495 Order Admin No.5054-E Extension of service in r/o 30 JE (El), PW Dte. 27-11-2017
1496 Order Admin No.4093-E Cancellation of candidature for appointment in the post of Junior Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 21-11-2017
1497 Order Admin No. 4073-E Corrigendum of recruitment of JE (El) under PW Dte. 20-11-2017
1498 Order Admin No.4072-E Release of Shri Saptaparna Basu Roy Chowdhury, AE (El), PW Dte. 20-11-2017
1499 Order Admin No. 4052-E Appointment in favour of Smt. Sopia Chakraborty, LDC on compassionate ground 17-11-2017
1500 Order Admin No.4042-E Absorption of Kailashpati Sing Mura, LDC 16-11-2017