
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1441 Order Admin No.254-E Submission of report regarding Sanction Strength, Present Position, Vacant Position of WBCS (Exe.) Officers 15-02-2018
1442 Order Admin No. 246-E 2nd Draft Gradation List of AE (C) borne in the cadre of West Bengal Engineering Service under PWD as stood on 01.01.2018 13-02-2018
1443 Order Admin No.232-E Residential induction training of AE (C) under PW Dte. 12-02-2018
1444 Order Admin No.237-E Enrollment of officers under PWD from NKDA for New Town Area Project 12-02-2018
1445 Order Admin No.231-E Regarding the extension of coverage of Swasthya Sathi Scheme. 09-02-2018
1446 Order Admin No. 222-E Residential Induction Training Programe of AE (C) under PW Dte. 08-02-2018
1447 Order Admin No. 193-E Contractual engagement of Shri Sankar Prasad Kundu as AE (El) under PW Dte. 07-02-2018
1448 Order Admin No.181-24-E-in-C Nomination of Delegates for workshop on NBC 2016 to be held on 20th and 21st Feb, 2018 in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi 07-02-2018
1449 Order Admin No.165-E Filling up posts of Group D on contract basis under PW Dte. and PW (R) Dte. under PWD-regarding 05-02-2018
1450 Order Admin No.161-E Report regarding integrity clearance in r/o AE (El) under PW Dte. 05-02-2018
1451 Order Admin No.6897-E Nodal officer in r/o Arbitration matter PWD 02-02-2018
1452 Order Admin No.153-E Absorption order of Jitendra Nath Bhuimali, LDC, PWD 01-02-2018
1453 Order Admin No.154-E Absorption order of Namgel Lama, LDC, PWD 01-02-2018
1454 Order Admin No. 152-E Empanelment of National Quality Monitors for PMGSY recommendation of the State Govt. 01-02-2018
1455 Order Admin No.126-E Enrollment of officers under PWD from NKDA for New Town Area Project 30-01-2018
1456 Order Admin No.88-E Provisional Gradation list of West Bengal Engineering Service (Mechanical) of PW (R) Dte. under PWD as on 01.01.2018 19-01-2018
1457 Order Admin No.84-E Regarding the inclusion of the official emblem for the state of West Bengal in the official stationary of all offices and authorities under the administrative control 19-01-2018
1458 Order Admin No.80-E Draft Gradation List of West Bengal Engineering Service under PWD 18-01-2018
1459 Order Admin No. 52-E Nomination of JEs for 3 days residential training programme on Mainstreaming DRR into Development Process in Disaster Management to be held on 17th to 19 January, 2017 16-01-2018
1460 Order Admin No.41-E Provisional Gradation list of Jr. Engineer in Mechanical Wing in PW (R) Dte. under PWD as on 01.02.2018 15-01-2018