
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1321 Order Admin No.2269-E/E-I/1C-06/2018 NOC in favour of Subrata Das, JE (El) under PW Dte. 28-09-2018
1322 Order Admin No.2228-E/PW/O/E-I/1C-06/18(Pt-III) NOC in r/o Suman Mahata JE (El) under PW Dte 25-09-2018
1323 Order Admin No.2201-E NOC in r/o Sourav Maity, JE (El), PW Dte. 20-09-2018
1324 Order Admin No.2194-E/E-I/2M-67/2018 Corrigendum of Memo no. 2171-E dt. 17.09.2018 in respect of Casual Workers under NH Divn-X, PW (R) 19-09-2018
1325 Order Admin No.2171-E/E-I/2M-67/2018 Extension of service benefits to Nine daily rated casual workers engaged under NH Divn -X, PW (R) Dte, in terms of Finance Deptt. Memo No. 9008-F (P) dt. 16.09.2011 17-09-2018
1326 Order Admin No.2162-E/E-I/1C-06/2018 NOC of Subhas Ch. Paul, Suman Sen and Sandip Bejh, JE (El) under PW Dte. 14-09-2018
1327 Order Admin No.2152-E/PW/O/E-IV/14M-16/2015 Compulsory Registration under GST as Tax Deductor 13-09-2018
1328 Order Admin No.2131-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-02/2015 Confirmation of AE (Mech) under PW (R) Dte. 11-09-2018
1329 Order Admin No. 317 An alternation in this Deptt. Order No. PR/N/E/1B-20/2017 (Pt-III) dt. 2135 dt. 06.12.2017 issued for the purpose of payment of charges against advertisement and publicity. 05-09-2018
1330 Order Admin No.2089-E/E-I/1C-06/2018 NOC of Surajit Dey and Soumen Maith, JE (El) under PW Dte. 04-09-2018
1331 Order Admin No.2057-E/E-II/2M-05/18 Clarification regarding remuneration in respect of Contractual Gr. C and Gr. D workers engaged in terms of 1107-F (P) dt. 25.02.2016 29-08-2018
1332 Order Admin No.1996-E/E-I/1C-06/18 (Pt-II) NOC in r/o of Shr Anurag Ghosh and Shri Tufan Das Modak both JE (El) under PW Dte. 20-08-2018
1333 Order Admin No.1997-E Submission of report in respect of JE (El) under PW Dte. 20-08-2018
1334 Order Admin No.1999-E Corrigendum of Susmit Bandyopadhyay, CE, PW Dte. 20-08-2018
1335 Order Admin No.268-PW/O/E-III/1B-22/2018 Compilation of the exact fund required under the budgetary head........ 16-08-2018
1336 Order Admin No.1898-E/E-I/1C-06/18 (Pt-II) NOC in respect of Sourav Maity and Achinta Mohan Pal both JE (El) under PWD 08-08-2018
1337 Order Admin No.1899-E/E-I/1C-06/18 (Pt-II) NOC in respect of Ujjwal Ghatak and Sourav Chatterjee both JE (El) under PWD 08-08-2018
1338 Order Admin No.1869-E/E-I/4P-03/2013 (Pt) Extension of contractual agreement in favour of Sri Subhajit Das, Contractual AE (El), PW Dte. 03-08-2018
1339 Order Admin No.1868-E/E-I/4P-03/2013 (Pt) Extension of contractual agreement in favour of Sri Ali Mossain, Contractual AE (El), PW Dte. 03-08-2018
1340 Order Admin No.1858-E NOC of Smt. Ria Das, JE (El), PW Dte. 02-08-2018