
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1301 Order Admin No.2672-E NOC of Suman Nath and Prasanta Ghosh, JE (El) under PW Dte. 18-12-2018
1302 Order Admin No. 2642-E Constitute a committee in connection with restructuring of Department. 14-12-2018
1303 Order Admin No.2621-E Appointment of Ankan Bose,LDC, PW Dte. 13-12-2018
1304 Order Admin No.2622-E Appointment of Smt. Shalini Chakraborty, LDC, PW Dte. 13-12-2018
1305 Order Admin No.2623-E Departmental Type Test of LDCs 13-12-2018
1306 Order Admin No.2630-E Submission of APR of Soumitra Sanyal, HC 13-12-2018
1307 Order Admin No.2610-E Noc of Sudipta Bose, AE (El), coochbehar Divn, under PW Dte. 10-12-2018
1308 Order Admin No.2561-E Deputation posting of Md. Badaruddoza, SE under PW Dte. 06-12-2018
1309 Order Admin No.2560-E Submission of report in r/o JE (El), PW Dte. 06-12-2018
1310 Order Admin No.2511-E(4)/PW/O/E-II/6P-02/17 Submission of APR in r/o Head Clerks under PW Dte. 29-11-2018
1311 Order Admin No.2264-E/PW/O/E-II/6P-03/2010 Promotion of 2 basic grade Clerk-cum-Typist to the post of Grade-I Clerk-cum-Typist, PW Dte. 20-11-2018
1312 Order Admin No.2445-E/E-II/4C-02/2004(Pt. II) Absorption of LDC, PWD 16-11-2018
1313 Order Admin No.2452-E/E-I/5A-07/2013 Extension of 30 nos. Sub Assistant Engineers (Electrical) under PW Dte. deployed by WEBEL 16-11-2018
1314 Order Admin No.2444-E/PW/O/E-II/4C-02/2004(Pt. II) Confirmation of 4 (four) LDCs, PWD 16-11-2018
1315 Order Admin No.2450-E/PW/O/E-I/2M-76/2018 Supervision of project relating to proposed construction of Darjeeling Hill University at Mungpoo 16-11-2018
1316 Order Admin No.2440-E/PW/O/E-II/6P-03/18 Transfer of Priya Ranjan Mandi, HC, PW Dte. 16-11-2018
1317 Order Admin No.2336(16)-E/PW/O/E-1/6P-01/2018 ACRs/APRs in respect of the JE (C) under PW Dte. 11-10-2018
1318 Order Admin No.2316-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-01/2017 Confirmation of service in r/o JE (C) under PW Dte. 09-10-2018
1319 Order Admin No.2306-E/PW/O/E-1/2M-09/2015 Request for submission of information and documents i.r.o. 3 Jr. Engr (Mech.) PW (R) Dte. 05-10-2018
1320 Order Admin No.2283-E/E-I/1C-06/18 (Pt-II) NOC of Anurag Ghosh, JE (El), Howrah El. divn., PW Dte. 01-10-2018