
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1281 Order Admin No.277/PW/O/E-I/4R-01/19 Release Order of Shri Deb Das Lakshman, AE (Mech), PW (R) Dte. 07-02-2019
1282 Order Admin No. 283-E Sri Himalaya Roy, CE (Planning) PWD, nominated to a member in the committee to ascertain the nature of extent of non-uniform settlement of Administrative Building Complex 07-02-2019
1283 Order Admin No.270-E/E-II/4C-02/2004(Pt.II) Absorption & confirmation i.r.o Subrata Manna, LDC 06-02-2019
1284 Order Admin No.269-E/E-II/4C-02/2004(Pt. II) Absorption of 2 (two) LDCs 06-02-2019
1285 Order Admin No.271-E/PW/O/E-II/4C-02/2004 (Pt. II) Confirmation of 3 (three) LDC 06-02-2019
1286 Order Admin No.262-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-01/2018 Confirmation of Junior Engineer C) under PW Dte. 05-02-2019
1287 Order Admin No.PR/N/E-1M-25/2017/76-R/E Extension of service benefits to the casual workers engaged in Vessel under Southern Mechanical Divn, PW (R) Dte. 29-01-2019
1288 Order Admin No.06 Higher scale of Shri Rajib Gupta Sarma, SE (El) under PW Dte,. 29-01-2019
1289 Order Admin No.203-E Recruitment to the post of JE (El)under PW Dte. 28-01-2019
1290 Order Admin No.193-E Engagement of contractual Group-D under PW Dte. 25-01-2019
1291 Order Admin No.101-E/E-IV/14M-33/04 Submission of fresh list of officers in PWD, Kolkata in connection with State reception on the 26.01.2019 14-01-2019
1292 Order Admin No.86-E-PW/O/E-I/IT-20/2018 Nomination of Delegates for 2 days International Seminar to be held on 18th & 19th January 2019 at Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi 11-01-2019
1293 Order Admin No.59-E Confirmation of Jr. Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 10-01-2019
1294 Order Admin No. 61-E Appointment Order i.f.o. Sri Attanu Pandey, as LDC on compassionate Ground. 10-01-2019
1295 Order Admin No.2765-E Posting of Promotion from Survey Grade -I to Head Surveyor under PW Dte. 26-12-2018
1296 Order Admin No.2733-E Addl. Charges of MD, WSFL and BEL in respect of Asim Kr. Misra 20-12-2018
1297 Order Admin No. 2736-E Confirmation of JE (El) under PW Dte. 20-12-2018
1298 Order Admin No.2667-E Corrigendum regarding appointment of JE (El) under PWD 18-12-2018
1299 Order Admin No.2667 Corrigendum regarding recruitment to the post of JE (El)under PW Dte. 18-12-2018
1300 Order Admin No. 2663-E NOC of Kamalesh Ghoroi and Arka Joardar, JE (El) under PW Dte. 18-12-2018