
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1221 Order Admin No.1742-E Approval for engagement f Shri Narayan Ranjan Das Sharma, as LDC o/o SE, Western Circle-II, PW Dte., on contractual basis 31-05-2019
1222 Order Admin No.1651-E/PW/E-I/IT-04/2019 Proposal for Nomination Programme organized by IAHE at Noida on Design of Bridges including computer applications from 27.05.2019 to 31.05.2019 in favour of Subjendu Pahari, EE, NH, P & -I 24-05-2019
1223 Order Admin No.1623-PW/O/E-I/2M-44/2019 Finalization of DDO ship for contingency expenses in favour of the office of CE, NH, PW (R) Dte, CE, PIU, ROB, PW (R) Dte., regarding 21-05-2019
1224 Order Admin No.1534-E Additional charge of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 08-05-2019
1225 Order Admin No.1519-E/PW/O/E-I/4C-01/2018 Corrigendum of Order No. 2446-E dt. 17.11.2003 07-05-2019
1226 Order Admin No.1518-E/PW/O/E-I/4C-01/2018 Corrigendum of Order No. 345-E dt. 23.02.2010 07-05-2019
1227 Order Admin No.1486-E Corrigendum of Order No. 1115-E dt. 27.03.2019 30-04-2019
1228 Order Admin No.1445-E/E-II/4C-01/19 Absorption order of Ankita Roy, LDC 26-04-2019
1229 Order Admin No.1447-E NOC in r/o JEs (El) under PW Dte. 26-04-2019
1230 Order Admin No.1444-E/E-II/4C-01/19 Confirmation of Seraf Ali Mandal, LDC 26-04-2019
1231 Order Admin No.1320-E NOC in favour of Shri Sudipta Bose, AE (El) under PW Dte. 11-04-2019
1232 Order Admin No.1328-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-02/2015 Confirmation of Assstt. Engineer (Mech) Under PW (R) Dte. 11-04-2019
1233 Order Admin No.1246-E/PW/O/E-I/IT-02/2019 Five days training programmee on Road Safety and Road Safety Audit from 8th Apl to 12th Apl, 2019 at IAHE, Noida 05-04-2019
1234 Order Admin No.1238-E/PW/O/E-I/IT-05/2019 Nomination for 5 days training course on Road Safety Audit Engineering from 8th Apl to 12th Alp 2019 at IIT Kharagpur 04-04-2019
1235 Order Admin No.1225-E/E-1/2M-34/16 Nomination of PWD (WB) officer to act as the member of the Building Committee of Belda College, Paschim Medinipur 03-04-2019
1236 Order Admin No.1201-E Updating Physical Service Books for implementation of Online e-service Book in HRMS 02-04-2019
1237 Order Admin No.1145-E NOC of Satrughna Bhunia, JE (El) under PW Dte. 28-03-2019
1238 Order Admin No.1112-E NOC of Nabendu Kr. Sarkar, JE (El) under PW Dte. 27-03-2019
1239 Order Admin No.1115-E NOC of Prasanta Ghosh, EE (El) under PW Dte. 27-03-2019
1240 Order Admin No.1113-E NOC of Suman Sen, JE (El), PW Dte. 27-03-2019