
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
101 Order Admin No.0484-PWD/13099/19/2021(Computer No.409435) Approval for private internet connection for the office of S.E. National Highway Circle II, P. W. (Roads) Directorate 28-08-2024
102 Transfers/Promotions No.1693/CEWE/2024 Movement of Executive Engineer (Electrical) on promotion. 28-08-2024
103 Transfers/Promotions No.87 Posting on promotion from Assistant Engineer (El) to Executive Engineer (El) under PW Dte 28-08-2024
104 Transfers/Promotions No.90 Posting on promotion from Executive Engineer (C) to Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 28-08-2024
105 Transfers/Promotions No.89 Transfer of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 28-08-2024
106 Notifications/Circulars No.86 Appoint of Manoj Singh, Junior Engineer (C) under PWD 27-08-2024
107 Transfers/Promotions No.2746/CE(HQ)/PWD Transfer of Junior Engineer (Civil) under P.W.Dte. 27-08-2024
108 Notifications/Circulars 244-PWD-12026/2/2021-ROADS-WING-Dept. of PWD (23.08.2024) Final Gradation List of L.D. Clerk under P.W.(Roads) Directorate as on 01.08.2024 23-08-2024
109 Transfers/Promotions No.3216-E Additional charge of Sibsankar Chakraborty, Joint Secretary (R), under PW (R) Dte. 23-08-2024
110 Order Admin No.0462-PWD/13099/15/2021(Computer No.395119) Approval for private internet connection for the office of EE, NH Divn-IX, PW (R) Directorate 22-08-2024
111 Order Admin No.0460-PWD/13099/9/2021(Computer No.194204) Approval for private internet connection for the office of CRO, RBRI, PW (R) Directorate 22-08-2024
112 Transfers/Promotions No.83 Transfer of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 21-08-2024
113 Transfers/Promotions No.3147-E/PW/O/E-I/2M-01/23 3rd Higher scale of Executive Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 16-08-2024
114 Transfers/Promotions No.3148-E/PW/O/E-I/1E-02/20 3rd Higher scale of Superintending Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 16-08-2024
115 Transfers/Promotions 241-PWD-12015/11/2020-Roads Wing-Dept. of PWD-R/E (14.08.2024) Transfer of 02 nos. Upper Division Clerk under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 14-08-2024
116 Notifications/Circulars No.82 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 13-08-2024
117 Order Admin No.236-R/E/PWD-25021/21/2022-DIR(PWD)-Dept. of PWD Contractual appointment of Surveyor & Draughtsman under PW (R) Dte. 13-08-2024
118 Order Admin No.3093-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-III) NOC of LDCs under PW Dte. 12-08-2024
119 Notifications/Circulars No.760-ENC/2024 Order regarding construction work of new flexible pavement up to bituminous level, widening and strengthening - improvement - strengthening work of flexible pavement. 06-08-2024
120 Order Admin No.3050/PWD-11055/1/2019-Works Wing-Dept. of PWD Extension of 100 nos. Junior Engineer (C) presently working under PW Dte. and PW (R) Dte. 06-08-2024

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