
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
1041 Order Admin No.1740-E-II/PWD-12011/8/2020-WORKS WING Extension Order of four nos. Security Guard attached Hooghly Donstn. Divn. under PW Dte. 29-12-2020
1042 Order Admin No.1672-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-02/2015 Confirmation of AE (M) under PW (R) Dte. 21-12-2020
1043 Order Admin No.1653-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-01/2019 Confirmation of service of Junior Engineers (C) under PW Dte. 17-12-2020
1044 Order Admin No.1603-E/PW/O/E-1/6P-01/2018 ACRs, Assets Statements and proforma wanting order in respect of Junior Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 11-12-2020
1045 Order Works 765-ENC/2020 In Supersession of this office order No.46A-ENC/2018 dated 27-2-2018, following revised procedure is laid down for procurement of reinforcement steel from suitable procedure 10-12-2020
1046 Order Admin No.1508/PWD-13099/35/2020-ROADS WING Reminder of details of Part Time Karmabandhu working under PW (R) Dte. Against Order No. 521-PWD dt. 02.07.2020 and 1241/PWD dt. 29.09.2020 02-12-2020
1047 Order Admin No.1483-E/PWD-12025/7/2020-DIR(PWD) Transfer of Computer Operators under PW Dte. 18-11-2020
1048 Order Admin No.1443-E Confirmation of Narayan Ch. Pal Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 11-11-2020
1049 Order Admin No.1400-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-01/2019 Confirmation of JE(C) under PW Dte. 09-11-2020
1050 Order Admin No.1373-E/PW/O/E-I/5A-03/2013(Pt. IV) Requesting particulars of contractual Computer Operators if any engaged under project head at respective offices under PWD. 04-11-2020
1051 Order Admin No.1294-E/PWD-19021/16/2020-DIR(PWD) Board of Director of Macintosh Burn Ltd. 07-10-2020
1052 Order Admin No.1241/PWD-13099/35/2020 Consolidated report regarding the particulars of the Part-time Karmabandhus working at various offices under PW (R) Dte. 29-09-2020
1053 Order Admin No.1240-E/PW/O/E-1/2M-09/2015 Request for submission of information and documents iro 4 JE (Mech) under PW (R) Dte. 29-09-2020
1054 Order Admin No.1227-E/PW/O/E-I/2M-06/2020 Nomination for 3 days online training programme on RTI Act, 2005 for 30 number of officers, PWD, to be held at ATI, During 06th to 08th October, 2020 28-09-2020
1055 Order Admin No.1214 PsWD-13099/38/2020-Works Wing-P.W.D. Work distribution of Joint Secretary (Roads) and Joint Secretary (P & C) under PWD 25-09-2020
1056 Order Admin No.1192-E/E-IV/14M-47/2012 Distribution of Work for PWD Establishment Branch 22-09-2020
1057 Order Admin No.763/1M-85/2017-R/E Sanction strength of Part Time Karmabandhu under PW (R) Dte. 26-08-2020
1058 Order Admin No.1055/PWD-11054/1/2018-WORKS WING-Dept. of PWD Extension of 26 (Twenty) nos Contractual Junior Engineer (El), PWD, deployed by WEBEL 19-08-2020
1059 Order Admin No.1054/PWD-11054/1/2018-WORKS WING-Dept. of PWD Extension of 30 (thirty) nos of Contractual Assistant Engineer (C) & 20 (twenty) Assistant Engineer (El), PWD, deployed by WEBEL 19-08-2020
1060 Order Admin No.1040 All DDOs (newly created offices & shifted offices) will obtain login ID and activate DSC with the new name on 18.08.2020 and 19.08.2020 positively 17-08-2020