
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
81 Notifications/Circulars No. 3493(4)-E/E-II/6P-01/2017 Pt-(III) Regarding finalisation of Draft Gradation list of Qualified Group-D and Eligible Group-C employees under Public Works Directorate as on 01/08/2024. 18-09-2024
82 Notifications/Circulars 255(3)-R/E/PWD-12026/3/2020-DIR(PWD) (11.09.2024) Revised Draft Gradation List of Qualified Group-D and Eligible Group-C employees under Public Works (Roads) Directorate as on 01.09.2024. 13-09-2024
83 Notifications/Circulars 254-R/E-PWD-12026/2/2021-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD (11/09/2024) Submission of APR, Certificate of Integrity Clearance & Certificate of Asset Statement in respect of LDCs as mentioned in Annexure-I for Promotion to the post of UDC under P.W.(R) Dte. 13-09-2024
84 Corrigendum No.3431(A)-E/PWD-13025/1/2022-JS(PWD) Corrigendum of Notification No. 77-E dt. 25.07.2024 12-09-2024
85 Corrigendum No.3432(A)-E/PWD-13025/1/2022-JS(PWD) Corrigendum of Notification No. 78 dt. 25.07.2024 12-09-2024
86 Order Admin No.3433(A) -E/PWD-13025/1/2022-JS(PWD) Additional charge of Anindya Roy, EE, North Bengal Construction Divn., PW Dte. 12-09-2024
87 Transfers/Promotions No.98 (A) Transfer of Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 12-09-2024
88 Notifications/Circulars No. 255(3)-R/E/PWD-12026/3/2020-DIR(PWD) Revised Draft Gradation List of Qualified Group-D and Eligible Group-C employees under Public Works (Roads) Directorate as on 01.09.2024. 11-09-2024
89 Notifications/Circulars No.254-R/E-PWD-12026/2/2021-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD Submission of APR, Certificate of Integrity Clearance & Certificate of Asset Statement in respect of LDCs as mentioned in Annexure-I for Promotion to the post of UDC under P.W.(R) Dte. 11-09-2024
90 Notifications/Circulars No.3422/(8)/PW/O/E-III/1B-01/2024 Introduction of Online booking system of PWD Inspection Bunglows 3rd Phase 10-09-2024
91 Order Admin No.3396-PWD-13/3/2024-WORKS WING (E-983384) Nominated as the members of Board of Directors of Mackintosh Burn Limited. 09-09-2024
92 Transfers/Promotions No.91-E Transfer of Assistant Engineers (C) PW Dte. 09-09-2024
93 Notifications/Circulars 3328-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 (05.09.2024) N.O.C. of 03 (Three) LDCs under Public Works (Roads) Dte., for appearing in various Govt. competitive examinations. 06-09-2024
94 Notifications/Circulars 3327-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 (05.09.2024) N.O.C. of 14 (Fourteen) LDCs under Public Works (Roads) Dte., for appearing in various upcoming Govt. competitive examinations. 06-09-2024
95 Notifications/Circulars No.893-ENC/2024 Classification criteria of categories of Steel for TMT Reinforcement Bar for PWD, West Bengal 04-09-2024
96 Notifications/Circulars No.3328-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 N.O.C. of 03 (Three) LDCs under Public Works (Roads) Dte., for appearing in various Govt. competitive examinations. 04-09-2024
97 Notifications/Circulars No. 3327-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 N.O.C. of 14 (Fourteen) LDCs under Public Works (Roads) Dte., for appearing in various upcoming Govt. competitive examinations. 04-09-2024
98 Order Admin No.3285/PWD-12020/1/2021 Regarding creation of 02 new posts of peon Grade-I under Head Quarter of PW (R) Dte. 30-08-2024
99 Notifications/Circulars No.3266-PWD-12/5/2024-WORKS WING Details information of present number of Non Sanctioned Part Time Karmabandhus working under all Circle, Division under PWD 29-08-2024
100 Order Admin No.0492-PWD/13099/41/2020(Computer No.321264) Approval for private internet connection for the office of Project Director, (AH - 02) P. W. (Roads) Directorate 29-08-2024

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