
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
941 Order Admin 5744-E Final Gradation List of Head Clerks under PW Dte. 19-04-2022
942 Order Admin 5743-E Final Gradation List of Lower Division Clerks under PW Dte. 19-04-2022
943 Order Admin 5741-E Confirmation of LDCs 12-04-2022
944 Order Admin 5742-E Confirmation of Surendra Babu, Asstt. Caretaker 12-04-2022
945 Order Admin 003-PW Important communication to the DDOs under Non Plan Heads regarding forwarding demands to this end 12-04-2022
946 Order Admin 002-PWD Standard guideline to DDOs under PWD in the Non Plan Heads. 12-04-2022
947 Order Admin 5647-E Transfer of Supervisory Grade Typist under PWD 31-03-2022
948 Order Admin 5607-E Confirmation of JE (Mech) under PW (R) Dte. 25-03-2022
949 Order Admin 5514-E Board of Director of MBL according to designation. 11-03-2022
950 Order Admin 5515-E Board of Director of MBL according to Personnel. 11-03-2022
951 Order Admin 223-PW Introduction of online reimbursement claim processing through WBHS Portal in Revised Claim Forms under West Bengal Health Scheme. 10-03-2022
952 Order Admin 5466-E Departmental examination of Computer Operation and Computer Typing for Group-D and eligible Group-C employees 04-03-2022
953 Order Admin 1 I card (Red and Yellow) 24-02-2022
954 Order Admin 5315-E Transfer of UDC under PW Dte. 11-02-2022
955 Order Admin 4853-E Departmental Examination on Computer Operation and Computer Typing for Gr.-D and eligible Gr.-C employees 09-02-2022
956 Order Admin 5283-E Re-allotment of work of Joint Secretary (Roads) & Joint Secretary (P & C) under PWD. 07-02-2022
957 Order Works 5270-E-PWD-11015/1/2021 Allotment of official works entrusted with the works of the officer for the post of Jt. Secy., PWD in charge of works of Sri Amit Biswas. 03-02-2022
958 Order Admin 5245-PW Attendance in Office (seventy five percent) 01-02-2022
959 Order Admin 5140-PWD Extension of services of 710 nos. of Secutiry Personnel engaged in different offices under the administrative control of PW (R) Dte., for another one year w.e.f. 01.02.2022 17-01-2022
960 Order Admin 5143-E Release of Sri Srimanta Kr. Panja, JE, (Mech) attached to the o/o the EE, Northern Mech. Divn., Siliguri, PW (R) Dte. 17-01-2022