
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
901 Transfers/Promotions 1290/CE(HQ)/PWD Transfer of Upper Division Clerk under P.W.Dte. 08-06-2022
902 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 45 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte, 06-06-2022
903 Notifications/Circulars 1254/CE(HQ)/PWD In partial modification of the order No 1114/CE(H.Q)/PWD Date. 26.05.2022 following office order is being re issued. 06-06-2022
904 Order Admin 398-PSC Invitatin of applications from eligible officers for the half-yearly departmental examination of the officers of the Government of West of West Bengal (including all India Service Officers) May 2022 06-06-2022
905 Transfers/Promotions 1262/CE(HQ)/PWD Transfer of U.D.C under P.W.Dte. 06-06-2022
906 Notifications/Circulars 1237/CE(HQ)/PWD Invitation of applications from eligible officers for the Half-yearly Departmental Examination of the officers of the Government of West Bengal (including All India Service officers), May, 2022. 03-06-2022
907 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 44 Conformation of service of Junior Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 31-05-2022
908 Notifications/Circulars 6072-PWD Modification of DPR Cell 30-05-2022
909 Transfers/Promotions 129-R/E Additional Charge of Sri Tapan Kumar Mondal, Executive Engineer (Planning), P.W. (Roads) Dte.  30-05-2022
910 Notifications/Circulars 141-Pen Family pension and pensionary benefits in respect of Late Biswapati Saha, Ex. Superintending Engineer, PW (R) Dte. 27-05-2022
911 Transfers/Promotions 6055-E 8 yeasr CAS benefit of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 27-05-2022
912 Transfers/Promotions 6054-E Higher scale of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 27-05-2022
913 Notifications/Circulars 1113/CE(HQ)/PWD Engagement of Executive Engineers for DPR Cell 26-05-2022
914 Notifications/Circulars 1114/CE(HQ)/PWD To organize detailed topographical survey, soil investigation etc. for DPR Cell 26-05-2022
915 Transfers/Promotions 124-R/E-PWD-12025/9/2020-ROADS WING CORRIGENDUM of Order No. 23-R/E-PWD-12025/9/2020-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD dated 27.01.2022  26-05-2022
916 Transfers/Promotions 123-R/E-PWD-12025/9/2020-ROADS WING Transfer of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) under P.W. (Roads) Directorate.  26-05-2022
917 Transfers/Promotions 6033-E 16 years CAS benefit of Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 25-05-2022
918 Transfers/Promotions 1098/CE(HQ)/PWD Transfer of Contractual Computer Operator under P.W.Dte. 25-05-2022
919 Order Admin 6028-E Departmental Examination on Computer Operation and Computer typing for Gr.D and eligible Gr. C employees 24-05-2022
920 Transfers/Promotions 1087/CE(HQ)/PWD Office Order vide Notification No.39 dated 11.05.2022 of Joint Secretary (P), PWD read with Order No. 5929/1(40)-E/2T-07/20111 (pt-II) dt. 11.05.2022 24-05-2022