
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
861 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 60-E Posting on promotion from Executive Engineer (C) to Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 04-07-2022
862 Transfers/Promotions 173(80)-PWD-12025/1/2021-ROADS WING-Dept of PWD-Part-(1)-R/E Submission of APR, Certificate of Integrity Clearance & Certificate of Asset statement in connection with Final Gradation List of Upper Division Clerk under P.W.(Roads) Dte as on 01.06.2022  04-07-2022
863 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 59-E Transfer of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 04-07-2022
864 Notifications/Circulars 847-PW Introduction of Online Medical Reimbursement Claim processing through WBHS Portal. 30-06-2022
865 Order Admin 6327/PWD Extension of contractual service of Ali Hossain. 30-06-2022
866 Order Admin 6326/PWD Extension of contractual service of Subhajit Das. 30-06-2022
867 Order Admin 847-PW Introduction of Online Medical Reimbursement Claim processing through WBHS Portal. 30-06-2022
868 Transfers/Promotions 6328-E Corrigendum of Order No. 6033-E dt. 25.05.2022 30-06-2022
869 Transfers/Promotions 170-PWD-12025/11/2020-ROADS WING-R/E Transfer of Sri Rakhal Acharjee, Office Peon, P.W.(R) Dte.  30-06-2022
870 Transfers/Promotions 169-PWD-12025/11/2020-ROADS WING-R/E Transfer of Various Clerical Staff under Public Works (Roads) Directorate  30-06-2022
871 Notifications/Circulars 164-12026/3/2020-DIR(PWD) Draft Gradation List of Qualified Group-D and Eligible Group-C employees under Public Works (Roads) Directorate as on 01.04.2022  29-06-2022
872 Transfers/Promotions 162-PR/N/E-3T-03/2016-R/E Cancellation of Order No. PR/N/E-3T-03/2016/157-R/E dated: 27.06.2022  29-06-2022
873 Transfers/Promotions 1063/CEWE/2022 Five post of Exceutive Engineer (Machinical) has been converted to The Exceutive Engineer (Electrical), PWD to provide promotional benefit to existing Assistant Engineer (Machinical) 28-06-2022
874 Transfers/Promotions PR/N/E-3T-03/2016/158-R/E Additional Charge of Sri Brindaban Mondal, Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), Nadia Mechanical Sub-Division under Southern Mechanical Division, Public Works (Roads) Directorate.  27-06-2022
875 Transfers/Promotions PR/N/E-3T-03/2016/157-R/E Additional charge of Sri Debasish Bhattacharyya, Technical Assistant to Superintending Engineer, Mechanical Circle, Public Works (Roads) Directorate.  27-06-2022
876 Transfers/Promotions 6303-E Corrigendum of Notifications of this department under PW Dte. 27-06-2022
877 Transfers/Promotions 6298-E Higher scale of Ex. C.G.A. & E.O.C.E., PW Dte. 27-06-2022
878 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 58 Transfer of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 27-06-2022
879 Transfers/Promotions 1482 Transfer posting of Junior Engineers 27-06-2022
880 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 57 Posting on promotion from Junior Engineer (C) to Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 24-06-2022