
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
61 Notifications/Circulars No.107-E Posting on promotion from AE (El) to EE (El) under PW Dte. 28-10-2024
62 Order Admin No.3790-E/PWD-11030/7/2020-WORKS WING-Dept. of Pwd Additional charge of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 28-10-2024
63 Notifications/Circulars No.3747-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 NOC of 09 (Nine) Lower Division Clerks under P.W.(Roads) Dte., for appearing in various upcoming Govt. Competitive Examinations. 24-10-2024
64 Corrigendum No.3732(8)/PW/O/E-III/1B-01/2024 Introduction of online booking system of Inspection Bungalows and revision of rates of accommodation-reg. 23-10-2024
65 Notifications/Circulars No.481-PWD/W(C)/1M-07/2023 Nomination of Engineers for Training Programmes to be conducted by Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (lAHE) in November, 2024 22-10-2024
66 Order Admin No.3694-PWD-25011(22)/101/2021-DIR(PWD)-Dept. of PWD Approval to the renewal of engagement of 1058 nos. security personnel through agency for different officers under PWD for one more year w.e.f. 08.09.2024 to 07.09.2025 21-10-2024
67 Notifications/Circulars No.610-PWD Demarcation of appropriate head under functional major head under PWD for survey for preparation of PPR/DPR for projects 03-10-2024
68 Order Admin No. 3205/CE Requesting to submit annual report 2023 in format specified by State Information Commission w.r.t receipt and disposal of RTI application in his office 03-10-2024
69 Order Admin No.3610-E/PW/O/E-II/2T-04/19 Transfer of 12 nos. Upper Division Clerks under P.W. Directorate. 27-09-2024
70 Corrigendum No.3124/CE(HQ)/PWD Corrigendum vide order no. 2746/CE(HQ)/PWD date27.08.2024 regarding transfer of Junior Engineers under p.w. Directorate. 26-09-2024
71 Corrigendum No.3585(A)-E/PWD-11011/11/2023-WORKS WING Dept. of PWD Corrigendum of Notification No. 12 dt. 30.01.2024 and in continuation Corrigendum No. 388-E dt. 15.02.2024 25-09-2024
72 Order Admin 3560-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 (24.09.2024) NOC of 10 (Ten) Lower Division Clerks under P.W.(Roads) Dte., for appearing in various upcoming Govt. Competitive Examinations. 25-09-2024
73 Notifications/Circulars No.100-E Posting on promotion from EE (El) to SE (El) under PW Dte. 24-09-2024
74 Notifications/Circulars No.102-E Transfer of EE (El) under PW Dte. 24-09-2024
75 Notifications/Circulars No.101-E Transfer of SE (El) under PW Dte. 24-09-2024
76 Order Works No. 3547-E/PWD-11048/14/2024 Nomination as a member of Tender Committee 23-09-2024
77 Order Admin No.3511-PWD-11026/44/2024-WORKS WING (E-1041667) NOC in favour of Subhadeep Chatterjee, JE (C), PW Dte. 19-09-2024
78 Order Admin No.3506-PWD-11054/2/2019-WORKS WING (E-202939) One year extension of Ali Hossain, Kolkata IT Divn., PW Dte. 19-09-2024
79 Order Admin No.3507-PWD-11054/2/2019-WORKS WING (E-202939) One year extension of Sri Subhajit Das, Kolkata IT Divn., PW Dte. 19-09-2024
80 Corrigendum No.349-E (Vig) Corrigendum of Memorandum No. 328-E (Vig) dt. 28.08.2024 18-09-2024

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