
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
741 Order Admin 3 I Card 19-10-2022
742 Notifications/Circulars 86-E Appellate Authority / State Public Information Officer under Public Works Department (Secretariat) , P.W.Dte.& P.W.(Roads)Dte. 18-10-2022
743 Order Admin 7080-E Corrigendum in r/o date of joining and date of confirmation of Sri Ankan Nandy, JE (C) under PW Dte. 13-10-2022
744 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 84 Confirmation of Junior Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 29-09-2022
745 Notifications/Circulars 7042-E Requirement of up to date Assets Statements in r/o of JE (C) under PWD for their confirmation of service. 29-09-2022
746 Transfers/Promotions 313-R/E-PWD-12026/2/2021-ROADS WING Final Gradation List of L.D. Clerk under P.W.(Roads) Directorate as stood on 01.09.2022.  29-09-2022
747 Transfers/Promotions 314-PWD-12025/3/2022-DIR(PWD)-R/E Promotion from Basic Grade Tracer to the post of Tracer Grade-I under P.W. (Roads) Dte.  29-09-2022
748 Notifications/Circulars 85/PW Appointment of SPIO 28-09-2022
749 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 83 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 28-09-2022
750 Transfers/Promotions 919-ENC/2022 Additional Charge of Sri Subhendu Banerjee, Executive Engineer, National Highway Division-IV, P.W.(Roads) Dte.  28-09-2022
751 Transfers/Promotions 2356/CE(HQ)/PWD Transfer of Sri Dipankar Ghoshal, Workman, Group-D  28-09-2022
752 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 82 Higher scale of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 27-09-2022
753 Transfers/Promotions 309-PWD-12017/1/2021-DIR(PWD)-Dept of PWD-Part(1)-R/E Additional Charge of Sri Deven Sahu, A.E.(Mech.) and Sri Partha Pratim Biswas, A.E.(Mech.) under P.W.(Roads) Dte.  27-09-2022
754 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 81 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 26-09-2022
755 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 80 Confirmation of Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 26-09-2022
756 Order Admin 6975/PWD Extension Order of 25 nos. Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 23-09-2022
757 Transfers/Promotions 6977-E Higher scale of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 23-09-2022
758 Notifications/Circulars 710-CS Information on Guest Houses or similar accommodation facilities under the administrative control of Public Works Department 22-09-2022
759 Transfers/Promotions 903-ENC/2022 Additional charge of Sri Biswaranjan Bera, Superintending Engineer, Bhagirathi Bridge PIU, P.W.(Roads) Dte.  22-09-2022
760 Transfers/Promotions 710-CS Information on Guest Houses or similar accommodation facilities under the administrative control of Public Works Department 22-09-2022