
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
721 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 101-E Transfer of Executive Engineer (El), PW Dte. 17-11-2022
722 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 102-E Transfer of Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 17-11-2022
723 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 99-E Transfer of Superintending Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 17-11-2022
724 Notifications/Circulars 7259-E Service particulars of the Contractual Junior Engineer (C) presently working under PWD, PW (R) Dte and PW (Social Sector) 16-11-2022
725 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 96 Posting on promotion from Assistant Engineer (C) to Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 16-11-2022
726 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 97 Transfer of Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 16-11-2022
727 Notifications/Circulars No 405- W(C)/lM-15/2022(Pt-6) Minutes of the meeting held on 17.10.22 in the Conference Hall (8th Floor) of Nabanna in connection with the lift installation in Government buildings to minimize the time for execution of lift installation 10-11-2022
728 Order Admin 723-E Corrigendum of Notification No. 102 dt. 27.06.2008 10-11-2022
729 Transfers/Promotions 7221-E Higher scale of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 09-11-2022
730 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 94 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 07-11-2022
731 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 92 Posting on promotion from Junior Engineer (C) to Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 02-11-2022
732 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 93 Transfer of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 02-11-2022
733 Transfers/Promotions 2537 Transfer of Junior Engineer  02-11-2022
734 Transfers/Promotions 343-R/E-PWD-12026/2/2021-ROADS WING Submission of APR, Certificate of Integrity Clearance & Asset Statement in respect of L.D.Cs for consideration promotion to the post of U.D.C. under P.W. (Roads) Dte.  28-10-2022
735 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 87 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 21-10-2022
736 Notifications/Circulars 420-ENC/2022 Roaster duty for engineers officers during cyclonic storm Sitrang.  21-10-2022
737 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 91-E Additional charge of Gautam Chakaraborti, ACE (Mech.) under PW (R) Dte. 21-10-2022
738 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 88-E Posting on promotion from Executive Engineer (C) to Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 21-10-2022
739 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 90-E Transfer of Bikash Ch. Barman, Addl. CE (Mech) under PW (R) Dte. 21-10-2022
740 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 89-E Transfer of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 21-10-2022