
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
701 Transfers/Promotions 2826 Transfer of Lower Division Clerk  01-12-2022
702 Transfers/Promotions 2825 Transfer of Upper Division Clerk  01-12-2022
703 Transfers/Promotions 1947/CEWE/2022 MOVEMENT CHART OF AE(El)PWD 29-11-2022
704 Transfers/Promotions Notification 108-E Transfer of Assistant Engineer ((El) under PW Dte. 29-11-2022
705 Transfers/Promotions 1946/CEWE/2022 TRANSFER ORDER OF AE(El), CONTRACTUAL (RANSTAD/WEBEL) 29-11-2022
706 Notifications/Circulars 7362-E/PW/O/E-II/6P-01/2017 Pt-(1) Gradation list of Qualified Group-D and eligible Group-C employees under Public Works Directorate as on 01.11.2022  28-11-2022
707 Order Admin 7359 -E Date of joining of the JE (C) appointed on the basis of the results of the JEs (C) Recruitment Examination 2017 conducted by the PSC, WB 28-11-2022
708 Notifications/Circulars NOTIFICATION 104 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 24-11-2022
709 Notifications/Circulars 7334-PWD Extension of 18 Contractual LDC engaged at different offices of PW (R) Dte. 24-11-2022
710 Notifications/Circulars 7332-E Order regarding ceiling of monthly expenditure i/o Hired Inspection Vehicles of PWD 24-11-2022
711 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 107-E Posting on promotion from Junior Engineer (El) to Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 24-11-2022
712 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 106-E Transfer of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 24-11-2022
713 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 105-E Transfer of Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 24-11-2022
714 Order Admin 4 I Card 23-11-2022
715 Notifications/Circulars 502 P.S.C.(I/Depttl.) Invitation of application from eligible officers for the Half-yearly Departmental Examination of the officers of the Government of West Bengal (including All India Service officers), November, 2022 21-11-2022
717 Transfers/Promotions 1844/CEWE/2022 Movement Chart of JE ( ELECT) w.r.t. Notification no 102-E Dated 17.11.22 of Public Works Department 18-11-2022
718 Transfers/Promotions 7276-E Additional charge of Pranab Kr. Mondal (El), EE, Malda El. Divn., under PW Dte. 17-11-2022
719 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 98 Appointment to the post of E-in-C, PWD 17-11-2022
720 Transfers/Promotions NOTIFICATION 100-E Posting on promotion from EE (El) to SE (El) under PW Dte. 17-11-2022