
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
621 Notifications/Circulars 138/CEWE/2023 dated-20/01/2023 Preparation of E-waste Inventory. 20-01-2023
622 Notifications/Circulars 010 Yellow I card 20-01-2023
623 Notifications/Circulars 10 P.S.C.(I/Depttl.) Holding of the Half-yearly Departmental Examination of the officers of the Government of West Bengal (including All India Service Officers) to be held on and from the 31st January, 2023 19-01-2023
624 Order Admin 110-E Transfer of UDC under PW Dte. 17-01-2023
625 Order Admin 98/E Draft Gradation List of Assistant Engineer (C) under PWD as stood on 01.01.2023 16-01-2023
626 Order Admin 100-E Work Allotment Joint Secretary & Deputy Secretary under PWD. 16-01-2023
627 Notifications/Circulars 102/CE(HQ)/PWD Additional charge of Shri Kanchan Kumar Karak, Executive Engineer, WBHDCL 13-01-2023
628 Notifications/Circulars SECY/PWD/2023/04(A) ORDER - SCCoRS 13-01-2023
629 Notifications/Circulars 04 I Card 10-01-2023
630 Notifications/Circulars 17-R/E-PWD-12026/1/2020-ROADS WING Notice regarding document verification of 20 (twenty) candidates recommended by PSC, WB for the post of Lower Division Clerk through Clerkship Examination,2019 under P.W.(Roads) Dte 09-01-2023
631 Notifications/Circulars 18-R/E-PWD-12026/1/2020-ROADS WING Notice regarding document verification of 34 (thirty four) candidates recommended by PSC, WB for the post of Lower Division Clerk through Clerkship Examination,2019 under P.W.(Roads) Dte 09-01-2023
632 Notifications/Circulars 37-E/PW/O/E-II/1S-03/2023 Furnishing a report of total Sanctioned Strength as per HRMS in the post of Regular Group-D employees (category wise) in various offices under administrative control of Public Works Directorate/Public Works (Roads) Directorate. 06-01-2023
633 Notifications/Circulars 20-E/PW/O/E-II/1R-01/22 90 (Ninety) qualified candidates who have been cleared PVR and Medical Fitness Certificate and recommended by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, for appointment to the post of Lower Division Clerk through Clerkship Examination, 2019 in the Public Works Directorate 05-01-2023
634 Transfers/Promotions 27-E Corrigendum of Notification No. 138-E dt. 28.12.2022  05-01-2023
635 Notifications/Circulars 12-E SARs/ACRs/APRs, up to date Assets Statements and proforma of service particulars in r/o Junior Engineer (C) under PWD  04-01-2023
636 Order Admin 02-E Draft Gradation List in r/o Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 04-01-2023
637 Order Admin 08-E Draft Gradation List of Assistant Engineer (Mech.) under PW (R) Dte. as stood on 01.01.2023 04-01-2023
638 Order Admin 09-E Draft Gradation List of Executive Engineer & Superintending Engineer (Mechanical) under PW (R) Dte. as stood on 01.01.2023 04-01-2023
639 Order Admin 06-E Draft Gradation List of Junior Engineer (Mech.) under PW (R) Dte. as stood on 01.01.2023 04-01-2023
640 Order Admin 05-E Draft Gradation list of the Engineer Officers borne in the cadre of WBES under PWD as stood on 01.01.2023 04-01-2023