
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
41 Notifications/Circulars No.404-E(Vig) Date extension for submission of Asset proforma-I and II 29-11-2024
42 Notifications/Circulars No.1M-03/16/399-R/PL In order to restrict upward revision of tendered amount a PSC comprising of the following members was formed in terms of Memo No. 1M-03/16/1039-R/PL dated 28.11.2019 of ACS, Gov of WB, PWD 29-11-2024
43 Corrigendum No.4048-PWD-25011(22)/101/2021-DIR(PWD)-Dept. of PWD Corrigendum of Notification no. 5000-F (Y) dt. 25.06.2012 28-11-2024
44 Notifications/Circulars No.4049(30)-PW/O/E-I/1R-02/2024 Allotment of qualified candidates for appointment to the post of JE (Mech) under PWD on the baisis of the results of the JEs Rectt. Exam. 2022 28-11-2024
45 Notifications/Circulars No.117(A) Posting on promotion from Executive Engineer to Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 27-11-2024
46 Notifications/Circulars No. 118(A) Transfer of Superintending Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 27-11-2024
47 Order Admin No.175-G/3I-02/2024(Pt-I) I Card 25-11-2024
48 Notifications/Circulars No.114 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 22-11-2024
49 Order Admin No.3988-PWD-13034/31/2024-WORKS WING(E-1060761) Submission of RTI report 2023 22-11-2024
50 Notifications/Circulars No.113-E Transfer of Assistant Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 20-11-2024
51 Corrigendum No. 519-PWD/W(C)/1M-07/2023 CORRIGENDUM or Order No. 513-PWD/W(C)/1M-07/2023 dated 13.11.2024 18-11-2024
52 Notifications/Circulars No.3913 (18)-PW/O/E-I/1R-01/2024 Allotment of Qualified candidate for appointment to the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) on the basis of the results of the Junior Engineers (Civil/Electrial/Mechanical) Rectt. exam 2022 electrical branch 14-11-2024
53 Order Admin 299-R/E/PWD-12026/3/2020-DIR(PWD) (13.11.2024) Final Gradation List of Qualified Regular Group-D and Eligible Group-C employees under Public Works (Roads) Directorate as on 01.11.2024 13-11-2024
54 Notifications/Circulars No.376-E (Vig) Online submission of Assets for Engineers under PWD 11-11-2024
55 Notifications/Circulars No.112/PW Regarding RTI Virtual Training on 13.11.2024 06-11-2024
56 Transfers/Promotions No.3854-E/PWD/11048/16/2024 Engineer-in-Chief, PWD post creation Order. 06-11-2024
57 Corrigendum No.3832-E/PWD-13025/I/2022-JS(PWD) Corrigendum of Notification No. 98 (A) dt. 12.09.2024 05-11-2024
58 Notifications/Circulars No.111 Transfer of Executive Engineer (C) under PW Dte. 05-11-2024
59 Notifications/Circulars 110 [N] Transfer of Superintending Engineers (one Civil & one Electrical) under P.W. Dte. 30-10-2024
60 Order Admin No.3800-E/PWD/11047/1/2024 Delegatates for 83rd Annual Session of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) 29-10-2024

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