
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
441 Notifications/Circulars No.68 Confirmation of Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 01-08-2023
442 Notifications/Circulars No. 271-R/E-PWD-48012(99)/1/2019-ROADS WING-Dept of PWD REMINDER for Furnishing necessary information regarding work-charged employees in all offices under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 01-08-2023
443 Order Admin No.2008 PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt) NOC of LDC, PWD 01-08-2023
444 Transfers/Promotions N-70(01-08-2023) Transfer of Executive Engineer(Civil) 01-08-2023
445 Transfers/Promotions N-64(31-07-2023) Transfer of Assistant Engineer(Civil) 31-07-2023
446 Transfers/Promotions N-65(31-07-2023) Transfer of Executive Engineer(Civil) 31-07-2023
447 Notifications/Circulars No.1976-PW Shifting of DDO Shif of EE, National Highway Planning & Design Division-IV under PW (R) Dte. 28-07-2023
448 Notifications/Circulars N-61(27-07-2023) Creation of the Post of Deputy Secretary 27-07-2023
449 Notifications/Circulars No.262-R/E-PWD-12026/4/2020-ROADS WING Departmental Examination on Computer Operation and Typing for qualified Gr-D and eligible Group-C employees under P.W.(R) Dte. 27-07-2023
450 Corrigendum 1930-E(26-07-2023) Corrigendum in promotion order 26-07-2023
451 Notifications/Circulars 432-W(C)/1M-40/2022(26-07-2023) Common Policy related to laying City Gas Distribution Network through different Roads in the State of West Bengal 26-07-2023
452 Order Admin 1927-E/PW/O/E-1/4C-02/2015(26-07-2023) Confirmation as Assistant Engineer(MECH) 26-07-2023
453 Order Admin 64-G/31-02/2023(26-07-2023) Distribution of Red Card 26-07-2023
454 Order Admin 64-G/31-02/2023 (26-07-2023) Distribution of Yellow Card 26-07-2023
455 Transfers/Promotions N-60(26-07-2023) Transfer of Executive Engineer(CIVIL) 26-07-2023
456 Order Admin No.1911 PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt) Directorate has no objection to allow the following 10 nos. LDCs under PW Dte. 25-07-2023
457 Order Admin 1880-E/E-I/2T-02/2016(Pt.) (21-07-2023) Charge as Authority Engineer for Proposed Bridge Over River Ajoy 21-07-2023
458 Notifications/Circulars No. 2318/CE(HQ)/PWD Regarding Half-Yearly Departmental Examination of the officers of the Govt. of West Bengal (including AIS officers) to be held on and from 18th July 2023. 20-07-2023
459 Order Admin 1862(19-07-2023) Central Level Condemnation Committee 19-07-2023
460 Order Admin No.1861/PWD-11054/2/2019-Works Wing-Dept.of PWD Extension of Ali Hossain, AE, Kolkata IT Division, PW Dte. 19-07-2023