
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
421 Notifications/Circulars No.1M-03/16/258-R/PL MEMORANDUM - Inclusion of Road - Bridge Projects pertaining to HRBC costing more than Rs. 10 Cr into SPSC of PWD & costing Rs. 2 Cr. to Rs. 10 Cr. into ZPSC of SZ, PWRD. 17-08-2023
422 Corrigendum N-3065E(14-08-2023) Corrigendum Notification -71 14-08-2023
423 Corrigendum N-3063E(14-08-2023) Corrigendum Notification-72 14-08-2023
424 Order Admin No. 481-DS(W)/W(C)/1M-07/2023 The following Engineer Officers of P.W. Dte, have been nominated to attend the training programme to be held at IIEST, Shibpur, Howrah, for the period from 1th to 22nd August 2023, in place of the concerned officers mentioned under Serial No. 12,13 and 34 of the previous order 14-08-2023
425 Transfers/Promotions N-78(14-08-2023) Transfer of Assistant Engineer(CIVIL) 14-08-2023
426 Order Admin No.478DS(W)/PWD/23 2nd Technical Training Programme on the subject Quality control of Highway Construction for the Engineers and Officers of PWD,Govt. of West Bengal 11-08-2023
427 Order Admin 3041/PWD-11055/1/2019-Works Wings(11-08-2023) Extension in service of contractual Junior Engineer(EL) 11-08-2023
428 Notifications/Circulars No.3025-E ADVISORY TEAM for Electrical Fire Safety 10-08-2023
429 Order Admin No.3004/PWD-11054/1/2018-WORKS WING-Dept.of PWD Extension of 23 nos Contractual JE (El), deployed by WEBEL 08-08-2023
430 Order Admin No.3003/PWD-11054/1/2018-WORKS WING-Dept.of PWD Extension of 30 nos Contractual AE (C) and 14 nos Contractual AE (El), deployed by WEBEL 08-08-2023
431 Order Admin No.3001/PWD-11054/1/2018-WORKS WING-Dept.of PWD Extension of 03 nos Contractual JE (El), deployed by WEBEL 08-08-2023
432 Order Admin No.3005/PWD-11054/1/2018-WORKS WING-Dept.of PWD Extension of 03 nos Contractual JE (IT), deployed by WEBEL 08-08-2023
433 Order Admin No.3002/PWD-11054/1/2018-WORKS WING-Dept.of PWD Extension of 16 nos Contractual JE (El), deployed by WEBEL 08-08-2023
434 Order Works No.529-ENC/2023 Guidelines of Section-4 of IRC:35-2015 08-08-2023
435 Transfers/Promotions N-76(08-08-2023) Promotion from Executive Engineer(Mech) to Superintending Engineer(Mech) 08-08-2023
436 Order Admin 2077/PW/O/E-1/4P-04/2013(07-08-2023) Service placement of Assistant Engineer Civil 07-08-2023
437 Transfers/Promotions N75 - (03-08-2023) Transfer of chief engineer 04-08-2023
438 Notifications/Circulars No. 74 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 03-08-2023
439 Transfers/Promotions N71 - (02-08-2023) Promotion from JE to AE CIVIL 02-08-2023
440 Transfers/Promotions N72 - (02-08-2023) Transfer of AE CIVIL 02-08-2023