
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
301 Order Admin 5989-E/E-I/2M-11/2021(13-12-2023) Awarding third higher scale pay to Superintending/Executive Engineer(Civil) 13-12-2023
302 Order Admin 5988-E/E-I/2M-04/2019(13-12-2023) Awarding third higher scale pay to Superintending/Executive Engineer(Civil) 13-12-2023
303 Notifications/Circulars 431(60)-R/E-PWD-12026/2/2022-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD (12.12.2023) Final Gradation List of Head Clerk under P.W.(Roads) Directorate as on 01.12.2023 12-12-2023
304 Notifications/Circulars 432(15)-R/E-PWD-12026/2/2022-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD (12.12.2023) Submission of APR, Certificate of Integrity Clearance & Certificate of Asset statement of Head Clerks as mentioned in Annexure for consideration of promotion to Head Assistant under P.W.(R) Dte. 12-12-2023
305 Notifications/Circulars 424-PWD-12026/1/2021-DIR(PWD)-Dept. of PWD (07.12.2023) Final Gradation List of Surveyor Grade-I as on 01.12.2023 under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 07-12-2023
306 Notifications/Circulars 425-PWD-12026/1/2021-DIR(PWD)-Dept. of PWD (07.12.2023) Regarding submission of APR, Certificate of Integrity Clearance and Asset Statements in connection with consideration of Promotion to the post of Head Surveyor from post of Surveyor Grade-I under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 07-12-2023
307 Order Admin No:5748(20)-E/PW/O/E-IV/14M-30/2023 Misclassification of interest on loan to Government Servants under Minor Head 800 instead of Minor Head 118 below HOA 0049-04. 06-12-2023
308 Notifications/Circulars No.157 Confirmation Order of Junior Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 05-12-2023
309 Order Admin No.709-PWD/W(C)/1M-07/2023 4th Phase of Technical Training Programme on the subject - Construction and Quality Control Aspects of Road Works for the Engineers and Officers of PWD, Govt. of West Bengal will be held at IIEST, Shibpur, Howrah (Erstwhile B.E. College, Shibpur) for the period from 13th December, 2023 to 18th December, 2023 05-12-2023
310 Notifications/Circulars No.144 Confirmation of Assistant Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 01-12-2023
311 Transfers/Promotions N-156 E (01-12-2023) Executive Engineer(Civil) Transfer 01-12-2023
312 Transfers/Promotions N-155 E (01-12-2023) Promotion and Posting of Assistant Engineer(Civil) to Executive Engineer(Civil) 01-12-2023
313 Notifications/Circulars No.110 Transfer of Superintending Engineer (El) under PW Dte. 30-11-2023
314 Notifications/Circulars No. 411-R/E/PWD-12026/3/2020-DIR(PWD) - (30/11/2023) Draft Gradation list of Qualified Group-D and eligible Group-C employees under Public Works (Roads) 30-11-2023
315 Notifications/Circulars 403(80)-R/E-PWD-12026/1/2023-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD (28.11.2023) Circulation of Draft Gradation List of Typist Grade-I as stood on 01.11.2023 under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 29-11-2023
316 Order Admin No.815-ENC/2023 Transfer of Sri Subrata Mondal, Contractual Computer Operator under Malda Division Social Sector, P.W.Dte. 29-11-2023
317 Order Admin N-5856 E(29-11-2023) Awarding first higher scale of Assistant Engineer(Civil) 29-11-2023
318 Order Admin No.814-ENC/2023 Transfer of 3 (Three) Nos. Contractual Computer Operator under P.W. Dte. 29-11-2023
319 Corrigendum N-5834 E(28-11-2023) Corrigendum to N-5795 E 28-11-2023
320 Order Admin N-143 E(28-11-2023) Awarding of MCAS to Assistant Engineer (EL) 28-11-2023