
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
261 Order Admin 35/PWD-12026/1/2021-DIR(PWD) (25.01.2024) Promotion of 12 Surveyors Grade-I (Civil) in the post of Head Surveyor (Civil) in various offices of Public Works (Roads) Dte. 25-01-2024
262 Transfers/Promotions 06-E Transfer of Executive Engineer (Mech) 25-01-2024
263 Notifications/Circulars No.05 Temporary appointment of Tridibesh Bhattacheryya as Assistant Architect under PWD 22-01-2024
264 Notifications/Circulars No.72-E Submission of Declaration of Assets of moveable and immoveable properties. 22-01-2024
265 Order Admin No.190-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-I) NOC of LDC, PW Dte 22-01-2024
266 Order Admin No.32-CS/e885395 Office Shifting Order of Vetting Cell, CE Electrical, Planning and Architect of CE, South Zone and CE, Social Sector. 22-01-2024
267 Notifications/Circulars 183/PWD-25021/21/2022 “WALK IN INTERVIEW” 19-01-2024
268 Notifications/Circulars No.182/PWD Filling up the post of Surveyors & Draftsman on Contractual Basis under PWD 19-01-2024
269 Notifications/Circulars N-04 Transfer of ASSISTANT ENGINEER CIVIL 19-01-2024
270 Corrigendum No:165-EIPWD-130251112022 -JS (PWD) Necessary modification : Notification No.155-E dt. 01.12.23 18-01-2024
271 Order Admin No.164/PWD/12033/3/2023 Regarding clarification on enhancement of monthly remuneration and 3 percent annual increment in respect of Casual/Contractual Group-D employees of PW Dte./PW (R) Dte. 18-01-2024
272 Order Admin No.150-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-I) NOC of LDC, PW Dte. 17-01-2024
273 Order Admin 21-G Issuance of Red I Card 17-01-2024
274 Order Admin No.151-G/3I-02/2022(Pt-II) I Card 15-01-2024
275 Order Admin 12-R/E-PWD-12026/1/2020-ROADS WING (11.01.2024) Appointment of Smt. Moumita Mallick as LDC on recommendation of PSC WB as per Clerkship Examination'2019 15-01-2024
276 Order Admin No. 12-R/E-PWD-12026/1/2020-ROADS WING Appointment of Smt. Moumita Mallick as Lower Division Clerk recommendation of PSC, W.B., as per Clerkship Examination 2019. 11-01-2024
277 Notifications/Circulars No.28-PWD/W(C)/1M-07/2023 5th Phase of Technical Training Programme on the subject - Construction and Quality Control aspects of Road works for the Engineers and Officers of PWD will be held at IIEST, Shibpur, Howrah from 17th January, 2024 to 22nd January, 2024 10-01-2024
278 Notifications/Circulars No.75-PWD-28 Information about all functional offices under the control/purview of different offices under PWD 09-01-2024
279 Transfers/Promotions No.02 Promotion from the post of Superintending Engineers (Civil) to the post of Chief Engineer 08-01-2024
280 Order Admin No.46-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-I) NOC of LDC, PWD 05-01-2024