
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
201 Order Admin No:842-PW/O/E-II/2M-05/18 Remuneration of Casual / Contractual workers under PWD 28-03-2024
202 Order Admin No: 839-E Work allotment of Officers under PWD 28-03-2024
203 Order Admin No.810-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-II) NOC of LDC, PW Dte. 22-03-2024
204 Notifications/Circulars 92-R/E/PWD-12022/4/2023 (21.03.2024) N.O.C. of 10 (Ten) Lower Division Clerks under P.W.(Roads) Dte. for appearing in various upcoming Govt. competitive examinations. 21-03-2024
205 Order Admin No-799-E/PW/O/E-1/2M-11/2024 Data sheet of 540 nos. Contractualy Engagement IT Personnel (CITP) under PWD 21-03-2024
206 Corrigendum No. 753 -E/E-I/2M-26/2021 The following correction should be read in column 3 & 4 respectively against serial No.5 in respect of Sushanta Kr. Mondal, Executive , P.W. Dte.,of this Department's Order No 281-E dt. 31.01.2024. 18-03-2024
207 Notifications/Circulars N-36 Appointment of Junior Engineers (Civil), P.W.D., 15-03-2024
208 Transfers/Promotions 730-PWD-12026/1/2023-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD-R/E (15.03.2024) Promotion of 20 (Twenty) nos. Typist Grade-I to the post of Supervisory Grade Typist under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 15-03-2024
209 Transfers/Promotions N-35 Transfer of Assistant Engineers (Civil), under Public Works Department 15-03-2024
210 Transfers/Promotions N-37 Transfer of Executive Engineers PWD/PWD(Rds) Dte. 15-03-2024
211 Notifications/Circulars 86(110)-R/E-PWD-12025/1/2021-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD-Part(1) (14.03.2024) Submission of APR, Certificate of Integrity Clearance & Certificate of Asset Statement in respect of U.D. Clerks for the purpose of promotion to Head Clerk under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 14-03-2024
212 Transfers/Promotions 87-R/E-PWD-25021/7/2024-DIR(PWD)-Dept. of PWD (14.03.2024) Transfer of 03 (three) Head Surveyors under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 14-03-2024
213 Notifications/Circulars No. 34 Confirmation of 30 temporary Junior Engineers 13-03-2024
214 Notifications/Circulars No. 687(3)-E/PW/0/E - 1/4C - 03/2020 Requirement of UP TO DATE Assets Statements 13-03-2024
215 Order Admin 255/CE(R)HQ (13.03.2024) Additional Charge of two Assistant Engineers under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 13-03-2024
216 Order Admin No: 669/PWD-25021/21/2022-DIR(PWD) Contractual engagement of Surveyor & Draftsman under PWD 12-03-2024
217 Order Admin No.649-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-II) NOC of LDC, PW Dte. 11-03-2024
218 Transfers/Promotions 80-PWD-12025/1/2020-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD (11.03.2024) Transfer of 06 Lower Division Clerks under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 11-03-2024
219 Notifications/Circulars No. 1140 PRD-33011/1/2024-MGNREGA SEC Karmashree Scheme 07-03-2024
220 Transfers/Promotions 76-PWD-12026/2/2022-Roads Wing-Dept. of PWD-R/E (06.03.2024) Promotion of 07 (Seven) Head Clerks to the post of Head Assistant under P.W.(Roads) Dte. 06-03-2024

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