
Sl. No. Category Corrigendum/Order/Notification-Circular/Transfer-Promotion No. Subject/Reference Published Date Download
181 Notifications/Circulars 142(274)-PWD-12026/2/2021-ROADS WING-Dept. of PWD (14.05.2024) Circulation of draft Gradation List of L.D. Clerk under P.W.(Roads) Directorate as it stood on 01.05.2024 15-05-2024
182 Order Admin No:2134-PW/O/E-II/2M-06/23(Pt-II) NOC of LDC, PW Dte. 10-05-2024
183 Notifications/Circulars 67(89)PSC NOTICE FOR Half yearly Departmental Exam in May 24 held by PSC 06-05-2024
184 Order Admin No.2011-E/PW/O/E-I//4P-01/2022 Voluntary retiremnt of Shri Satyajit Chattopadhyay, Assistant Director, Directorate of Brick Production 29-04-2024
185 Notifications/Circulars 42-E Award of MCAS 26-04-2024
186 Order Admin 1088-E/E-I/2M-18/2020 MCAS 26-04-2024
187 Order Admin 1088-E/E-I/2M-18/2020. MCAS 26-04-2024
188 Order Admin No.1043(220)-E/PW/O/E-1/2M-56/2014 Service particulars of Contractual Assistant Engineer & Junior Engineer (Civil & Electrical) under PWD 23-04-2024
189 Order Admin 1043(220)-E/PW/O/E-1/2M-56/2014 Service particulars of Contractual engaged Assistant Engineers & Junior Engineers (Civil & Electrical) under PWD 23-04-2024
190 Order Admin 1044(20)-E/PW/O/E-1/2M-56/2014 Service particulars of Contractual Junior Engineers (C) under PW Dte., PW (R) Dte. & Social Sector 23-04-2024
191 Order Admin No.1018-E/PW/O/E-I/2M-11/2024 Corrigendum of Memo No. 799-E dt. 21.03.2024 19-04-2024
192 Order Admin 1017E Selection Grade Scale of Pay 19-04-2024
193 Order Admin No.1003-E/PW/O/E-I/2M-11/2024 Corrigendum of Memo No. 799-E dt. 21.03.2024 18-04-2024
194 Order Admin No.991-E/PW/O/E-I/2M-10/09 Enhancement of 120 nos. Contractual Group-C (Computer Operators) under PWD 16-04-2024
195 Order Admin 984-E Inspection of the new office building RUPANNA 16-04-2024
196 Notifications/Circulars No. 367- E Transfer of Assistant Engineer (Civil) 12-04-2024
197 Notifications/Circulars No.40-E Transfer Of Shri Bikash Ch Barman 09-04-2024
198 Notifications/Circulars No.39-E Confirmation of Junior Engineer (Electrical) 08-04-2024
199 Order Admin No.939 Work allotment of Deputy Secretaries under PWD. 08-04-2024
200 Order Admin 888-E Grade Scale of pay in respect of Superintending Engineer (Civil), P.W.D 03-04-2024

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